I have to make the best of the remaining time I have, and everyday it's more apparent how much everything is going to change in September. Until them I am fueling the jukebox with the same songs every week (because all the wine is all for me). There is nothing on Earth like summer in Los Angeles (or maybe all summers are the same everywhere). There's a strange quiet in the dirty downtown air and I'm in love with the way we walk the streets without fear. I did so much growing up in this city I don't even know where to begin to explain. I've done all of my growing up in Southern California, so it's bizarre to think I'm going to replant my roots elsewhere for this next installment of life. I don't know how deeply my roots there will grow, or if there's a chance we will eventually take chances elsewhere, maybe even back here. I'm ecstatic for this to be my next chapter. It's a breath of fresh (read: unpolluted) air.
Seeing 500 Days of Summer made me aware of the changes within myself in the last few years. I used to resonate so well with that character, the girl who never wanted anything particularly serious. And then, one day, you wake up, and everything changes, permanently. Sometimes life takes you in directions you weren't expecting to go, but if you listen to your heart (and maybe believe in fate a little) you'll end up exactly where you need to be.