My coworker who is a non-practicing Jew was explaining the tradition of Passover to me. Him and one other coworker have to leave work early to eat dinner by sundown because of this tradition, so I of course poke and prod at the subject. I am relatively clueless in the Hasidic followings and have mere general working knowledge of Christianity, but this is the deal:
Apparently Moses told God to not kill the first born sons of the Jews during the 10 Plagues. Egyptians = fuck those whiny brats. So, the Angel of Death was cruising the hood and knew not to kill those who had a line of blood marking their doorstep. Um, what? If God is so all knowing, couldn't he at least properly train his assistants to do their job decently? Sounds like this Angel of Death needs a job at fucking McDonalds since he needs visual clues to do anything right. What's with the line of blood marking the doorstep? How does he know it's blood and not Smuckers jam? God forbid if this guy was a PA, he'd fuck up everyone's coffee orders for sure. I personally don't think it's cool to like dudes that instruct people to kill kids let alone worship them, but you know, I'm a bad person for not being religious. And what gives with the peer pressure God? It's like you forced unemployed and mentally unstable Angel of Death to do your dirty work? Lame.
I really really don't understand what makes this silly fable any different than Cinderella or Snow White, which people swear aren't real, but the Bible, of course it's real! Again, um, what? What gives religion? Does this mean I can write down some fake story and two thousand years from now people will restrict what and when they eat because of things that didn't actually happen? I'm just trying to follow the logic of some people, but give me a break. This shit just sounds plain cray-cray no matter how you try to tell it.